Friday, 23 November 2012

Still in jamies, just finished the book, really such an inspiration, I must read more of Jackie's books.

Yesterday I got out into the yard, started digging a narrow bed to surround the raised beds, in an effort to stop the grass from growing up the sides because the lawn mower can't get to it.  Only got the front done, not a lot I did spend ages trying to dig a whole brick out of the ground, the reason I hate digging here.

When the builders built our house they just left bricks where they fell in the mud, it rained so much that year, the yard was just thick mud.  I can't blame the builders for this brick though, it's an older one perhaps from the chook shed my father built here in the 60's or from the sheds our neigbours had, I don't remember Dad painting his, this had paint on it.

Took a trip to Bunnings, amongst the gardening section I ran into a friend I hadn't seen in years.  We used to work together until surgery she had to remove a clot behind her eye went bad, she ended up with brain swelling and  resulting brain damage.  Visited her in the hospital, spoke a few times on the phone but lost contact.  She looks well, still has problems, left side weakness, lost periphial vision and what vision she has is blurry.   She had her back to me, slightly side on when I noticed her, stood for a moment wondering if it really was her before quietly calling her name.  There's one thing she's not lost, her ability to talk and talk and talk, her son was getting so bored that he kept wandering off and eventually made himself comfy on some display furniture.   It was good to hear her news, and she gave me tips on gardening.  We swapped phone numbers before heading our seperate ways.

I started on my Christmas list while there too, saw a pretty bench seat, as well as a garden tool or two I'd like.  I suggested to my husband that perhaps this year we each buy our own presents, that way we get exactly what we want.  He calls me a bad gift buyer, well when he sees something he wants he pretty much instantly buys it.  Is what you get when you leave nothing for the other to buy.  He's not the best gift giver for me either,  rarely getting what I've hinted for.  Last year I asked for an outdoor setting, I  mostly got dvds and candle sets. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cheryl,
    Visiting from 'Down to Earth'.
    I like your blog and will be back.
    I like staying in my pj's for a while in the mornings, keeping my 95yr. old Mum company as she stays in hers all day.
    I love eating cake for breakfast....I only have cake when we have visitors because I eat too much if there's any around.
    Your garden sounds nice...I used to grow Pepinos...I like them.
    Have a good day
    Barb from Australia
