Saturday, 9 June 2012

I was wondering what project to get on with after finishing the Lacy Duster so decided to check on how much work was needed to finish some of my UFOs.  One knitted cardigan has been sitting for close to 10 months waiting to be finished, with my history that's not long at all, there's one that's over 5 years old.  All I had to do to it was unpick the seams of one shoulder, stitch it and the side seams as well as knit the ties.  Probably too me all of an hour.  Had been worried it wouldn't fit me I had gone with a smaller measurement but it fits fine, even wore it out today. 
The pattern is Chicest Link by Pat Menchini and featured in Simply Knitting magazine May 2011.  The yarn used was Moda Vera Marvel, 3 1/4 and 4 mm needles used.  No modifications were made.  Can't tell how many balls of yarn were used, I bought quite a few and had enough left for another project. 

My thighs are aching tonight, yesterday I got out in the sun and did some toning exercises I found in a magazine.  This morning could feel that my stomach muscles did some work, my legs were fine but as the day wore on my thigh muscles let their protest be known.  I took the time to meditate in the sun as well, the sunshine showing through my eyelids as red but there was a few moments when it turned green.  I noted there was music coming from a neighbour a couple of doors down which helped with relaxation.  After I finished I noticed the annoying little dog next door was barking it's head off, nothing unusual about that but I didn't remember hearing it while meditating.  The dog pretty much yaps constantly, it obviously had driven my father to destraction, I heard him screaming at it to shut up from over the fence.  He ended up getting the whipper snipper out to drown out the noise.  The poor dog is pretty much bored, the new neighbours bought it after moving in and it has nothing to do or to distract it. 

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