Thursday, 7 January 2016

Getting an Owly start on Christmas.

Sorry about the punny title.

After days of rain we finally had some sunshine and blue skies today....... grrr...... had the last 5 days off and it rained for most of it, the blue skies and sun appeared just as I made the final turn into work.  Hopefully it'll be fine tomorrow, I have the day off.  Hard life hey?  I'll be working the weekend, then Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.

Have had the urge to start a crochet or knitting project, chose the yarn from my stash and then set about trying to find a suitable project.  How hard is it to find a 4ply woman's cardigan/jacket when I only have ten 50g balls?  I wanted something Boho-ish and most importantly free.    Spent a lot of time yesterday searching, only found one thing I really liked but it wasn't free.  Tightwad me.  I was trying to keep with a challenge of only using what you have.

Tonight there was a show I wanted to watch and I leafed through a craft magazine I bought last week (positive it was before I read the challenge ..... I think ..... well that's my story and I'm sticking to it).  Found a project similar to one I pinned yesterday, one I had all the fixings for.

This is how far I've gotten so far, it's going to be an Owl basket and could very well be the first Christmas gift project for this year.    You can see my ingenious idea of using an earring as a row marker.   I was going to use a marker I got from a friend at Christmas but couldn't find where I put it, thought it was with my jewellery box where I found the earrings.  Which I think are easier to use than the small stitch marker for this project.

And here is the MKII version, the hook earring kept falling out, which wasn't a huge problem as I could count the stitches but once I stopped increasing stitches I didn't want to run the risk of losing place. 

The yarn is 2 strands of Lionbrand Heartland, using 5.5 hook.  It's going quite quickly, would have been quicker it I didn't put it down to watch a show on The Crystal Cave.

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