Monday, 4 March 2013

It's been age since I posted, am afraid that Summer took it out of me.  I am so glad that Autumn is here.  Perhaps if we lived closer to the beach or had a pool I'd be able to take it better.  If it wasn't the heat it was the rain.  The grass is so overgrown but each time we plan to mow it rains.  I've got parts of the yard dug up but haven't been able to get back out there. 

Have had a cold the last few days, am trying to get over it.  Decided to up the nutrition and go with some vegetable smoothies,  started early this morning around 4am when I couldn't sleep and came down with hunger pangs.  Put Apples and carrot through the juicer, then into the rocket blender with a chopped apple and some of the carrot fibre.  Taste wasn't too bad but texture not so great.  This morning I went with an unappetising blend of tomatoes, apple, capsicum and a little garlic in the food processor.  Nope not great, texture was horrible I ended up straining it and have only been able to force down half a glass. 

Think I'll just stick with juicing in future. 

I haven't completely given up on the fur sewing, I actually got the pieces sewn together but need to add the base and zip.